Monday, July 29, 2013

Mr. Lorenzo "FAT CAT" Nichols is doing time for crimes he didn't commit, He was targeted for having Money and being Black.

Fat Cat hiss at Parole Bd.

  • Last Updated: 8:24 AM, March 26, 2010
  • Posted: 1:56 AM, March 26, 2010
He's as surly and unrepentant as ever.
Lorenzo "Fat Cat" Nichols, the tough-talking, murderous southeast Queens drug kingpin serving 25 to life at the Clinton Correctional Facility, is due for his first-ever appearance before the Parole Board. But he's blowing it off, a law-enforcement source said.
"He wrote a letter saying he wasn't going to participate in a dog-and-pony show," the source said.
It's unlikely the panel would spring the drug lord, whose violent crack gang stalked the streets of Queens in the 1980s.
Police Commissioner Ray Kelly and the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association have both urged the board to nix any parole bid.
But even if he was sprung from the state lockup, Nichols faces extensive time on a federal conviction on drug and murder charges.
Fat Cat's frightening reign -- and takedown -- quickly became urban legend. Nichols' gang assassinated his parole officer, Brian Rooney.
It then targeted young NYPD Officer Edward Byrne, sitting in a cruiser guarding the home of a witness due to testify against Nichols' gang.
Fat Cat's rule came crashing down in 1985, when cops rounded up Nichols, henchman Howard "Pappy" Mason -- and even Nichols' mother -- hauling them into the Eastern District Federal Court building in Brooklyn.
"You took in Fat Cat's mom? That was cold," Mason told then-Assistant US Attorney Charles Rose. "Don't feel bad, we took your mother, too," Rose replied.

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