Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Huma spotted dining with Hillary Clinton aide in DC: Hillary Clinton has been involved in a Lesbian relationship with Huma for years

Huma spotted dining with Hillary Clinton aide in DC

  • Last Updated: 11:46 AM, July 30, 2013
  • Posted: 11:45 AM, July 30, 2013
WASHINGTON – Political intrigue was on the menu last night, as Huma Abedin, the wife of shamed sexter Anthony Weiner, dined in DC with another top aide to Hillary Clinton in a sign of support for the embattled spouse.
It was a public embrace of Abedin, who has faced criticism she’s not accustomed to receiving after publicly defending her husband as he revealed new sexting incidents that occurred after he quit Congress.
Abedin, who has gone from the shadows as a trusted aide to Hillary Clinton to front page news, chowed down with Philippe Reines, Clinton’s longtime Senate aide and part of her small transition staff as former Secretary of State. The two worked together in the Senate and at State.
The pair ate outside on a busy street at Meiwah, which happens to be Bill Clinton’s favorite Chinese restaurant in DC (he fancies the stir-fried chicken with broccoli, the dish he ordered a few years ago when he kept a Secret Service detail waiting for his grub).
In a sign of how the Weiner scandal has gone global, CBS News even aired footage of the al fresco meal.
The confab came amid a new ABC report that the Clintons are “bristling”
at comparisons between Bill Clinton and Weiner and between Hillary Clinton and Huma, as top Democratic insiders have called on Weiner to get out of the race. The worry is that the scandal could rub off on Hillary Clinton, the frontrunner for 2016.
Persuading Weiner to pull the plug on his run might be a tall order. A Democratic source told the Post yesterday “The only people with any leverage are Huma and the Clintons.”

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