Wednesday, May 29, 2013

RUSH LIMBAUGH says Obama and Christie have "Master Servant" Relationship, And He's RIGHT!

Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh used some choice words on Tuesday to describe President Barack Obama and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R).
Hours after Obama and Christie toured post-Hurricane Sandy New Jersey together, Limbaugh delivered what his analysis of the "bipartisanship" between the two men.
"Obama has money," Limbaugh said. "Governor Christie wants the money. Governor Christie needs the money, so the people will be helped," referring to the many folks who are still struggling to recover from the storm.
"So, Christie praises Obama," Limbaugh concluded. "It's a master-servant relationship."
The relationship between Obama and Christie reached a fever pitch on Tuesday, as the duo's Jersey Shore activities included some arcade games that resulted in a bigstuffed bear prize.
This was not the first instance of Limbaugh voicing an Obama-related hurricane conspiracy theory. Back in August 2011, he vowed that Obama wanted Hurricane Irene to be a "disaster" for economic reasons.
"I'll guarantee you Obama was hoping this was going to be a disaster as another excuse for his failing economy," he said. "If he's out there blaming tsunamis, blaming earthquakes, this one [was] made to order, but it just didn't measure up."

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