Friday, November 8, 2013

Welcome to the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association of the City of New York, Office of the General Counsel's web page: The PBA is a Criminal organization that collects over 1.2 Million in dues a month and returns not even protection to Officers

General Counsel's Office
Michael Murray     
General Counsel     

Click on the PBA shield,     
at top right, at any time     
to return to the     
NYC PBA home page.      
Office of the General CounselOffice of the General Counsel
The Office
Welcome to the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association of the City of New York, Office of the General Counsel's web page. Here you will find information concerning the Office, your rights as employees and police officers, and a number of forms, decisions and other helpful information that will assist you in your employment as New York City Police Officers.

The on-site General Counsel's Office at the PBA was created by the Lynch Administration to manage the union's various legal matters and implement and coordinate effective strategies in a cost-effective manner, all under the direction of the President and the Board.
As a result of being on-site, the General Counsel's Office is able to interact with and advise the PBA Board, its delegates, and members on a daily basis. It assists the President and Board in fashioning legal strategies designed to aid the organization to achieve its policy goals. It is actively involved in litigating or managing all legal proceedings in which the PBA is a party. In addition, the General Counsel's office initiates litigations, implements strategies and coordinates with outside counsel to protect your rights as members of the union and as New York City Police Officers. The Office also advises the Board on various issues -- from the day-to-day business of the union, and its Health and Welfare Funds, to assisting in the negotiation of collective bargaining agreements, and processing members' grievances. Recently, the Office has assumed the responsibility of preparing simple wills and related documents for active and retiree members.
Having an in-house General Counsel's Office serves the membership of the PBA in a number of ways. Our attorneys in the General Counsel's Office, some of whom have backgrounds as police officers in the NYPD, have become familiar with many recurrent issues affecting police officers and are available on a daily basis to counsel police officers with issues arising from their employment at the NYPD. In-house attorneys translate into savings for the membership, as they enable the PBA to provide legal services in a more cost-effective manner. The General Counsel's Office also handles current issues with an eye towards the future and the long-term well being of the organization, implementing strategies and seeking favorable precedent which will ensure the protection of the organization and members' rights for years to come.
For specific examples of the actions and efforts in which the Office of the General Counsel has been involved, please click on the decisions link. For information relating to contract negotiations, click on the contract link.
Should you have personal legal questions, our site can help you. For example, if you are considering filing a grievance, please read the narrative description of the process, and then follow the instructions to complete the grievance form. For all other issues, contact us and we will get back to you as expeditiously as possible (see disclaimer).
Finally, in an effort to continue to be responsive to your needs and provide you with the best possible service, we ask that you provide us with feedback on ways to improve the website or services provided through this office.
Michael T. Murray, General Counsel
Office of the General Counsel
Patrolmen's Benevolent Association of the City of New York, Inc.

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