Saturday, November 9, 2013

Police Tell Daughter Of Man They Killed She’ll ‘End Up Like Her Father’ (VIDEO)

Police Tell Daughter Of Man They Killed She’ll ‘End Up Like Her Father’ (VIDEO)

Shannon Barber/ Addicting Info
October 9, 2013 7:58 pm
There is little that is more painful than prematurely losing a parent, especially in a violent way. That is just what happened to Armani Brown of DeLand, FL. Her father was cited for a seatbelt violation, and, in the ensuing scuffle, the police chased him down, ran over him, and killed him. All over a seatbelt violation.
She’ll End Up Like Her Father
He didn’t mean to suggest she’d end up dead when he said she’d end up like her father
Predictably, Detective Jones said that he mean that Armani would wind up in trouble with the law, not that she’d wind up dead. Well, of course he wouldn’t admit to telling a child she’d wind up dead! He was trying to save his own skin. However, with the now- notorious racism coming out of law enforcement in that particular state these days, I wouldn’t doubt one bit that he was trying to subtly tell this teenager who had just lost her father two weeks prior that she’d end up dead as well.
Different interpretations of she’ll ‘end up like her father’
In all fairness, perhaps he didn’t mean that Armani Brown would end up dead as well. However, since the man had just been killed by members of the same police department that Detective Jones works for just two weeks prior, that is a really hard pill to swallow. I’m not buying it. Armani Brown’s mother, Krystal Jones, isn’t buying it either. She told news station WKMG:
This happened maybe a week or two after her father was killed. So he ultimately ended up dead. So that’s the way that we took it. That’s the way [Armani] took it.
I think it is likely that anyone would take it that way, and that this is likely how Detective Jones meant it, no matter what he said he meant it.
The good detective is receiving so- called “discipline” by having a report put in his file, and being sent to “verbal counseling.”
Just REALLY. Some discipline. But, then again, what can you expect when you are talking about a situation of a black teenager being abused by a white Florida cop.
As if that weren’t bad enough, just two weeks after her father’s death at the hands of the local police, Armani was with a group of friends, when Detective Ignatius Jones came to investigate their activities due to a call about teens throwing rocks at a local business. The Detective admitted to saying to Armani that:
With that attitude she’s going to end up like Mr. Brown.
Detective, it is not your job to parent. It is your job to uphold the law. Further, whether the child’s father had been dead or not, it is wildly inappropriate to make disparaging remark’s about a child’s parents while performing your duties as a polices officer.
Watch the video here:

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