Sunday, September 29, 2013


Food addiction is the compulsive desire to eat food beyond satiety.

Compulsive overeating can be a response to specific stimulants in the food such as sugar, fat or salt that act like drugs.

Fat and white sugar are the most addictive substances found in food. They cause overstimulation of the taste buds. They appeal to the ancestral brain that remembers times of deprivation when it was important to stock up on rich foods in prediction of times of famine.

Salt, a non-food item is another very addictive ingredient. The food industry knows it and makes use of this property in most processed foods.

Food addiction is the underlying maladaptive behavior that leads to overeating and weight gain. The long term results can be obesity and more complex eating disorders. Overweight and obese individuals are at increased risk for many diseases and health conditions, including the following:
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Osteoarthritis (a degeneration of cartilage and its underlying bone within a joint)
  • Dyslipidemia (for example, high total cholesterol or high levels of triglycerides)
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Sleep apnea and respiratory problems
  • Some cancers (endometrial, breast, and colon)
Our Raw Food detoxification program is an excellent way of disrupting unhealthy patterns of eating. The reason for this is that raw foods contain very few of the addictive substances that are present in many standard diets.

These refined substances, such as salt and sugar and monosodium glutamate are often added to foods for the purpose of increasing sales. The problem is that this creates a population who no longer can hear the natural cravings of their bodies, because the addictive cravings are louder. This dissociation is what allows us to overeat, gain weight and have chronic digestive disturbances.

Oftentimes processed foods are what we were raised on from infancy. This can result in the situation that many people find themselves in, where they have never known what it is like to eat wholesome foods and experience the freedom from the food addiction cycle.

Our program for healing food addiction involves looking at many areas including biochemical factors such as allergies and deficiencies, as well as psychological factors such as anxiety, fear of being alive or sensual, and of course family issues.

Our raw food detoxification program addresses all of these issues. Our diet is specifically designed to contain a high level of nutrients and no stimulants. Our food does not contain white sugar, white flour, salt or processed oils. Our food is naturally delicious, using the freshest locally grown vegetables and herbs, whose balanced composition does not lead to overeating.

Food addiction must be treated differently from drug and alcohol addiction. Obviously complete abstinence is not an option; one must transform one's relationship with food to overcome the addiction. In food addiction, one uses food as a drug to induce a certain state of mind, to cover unpleasant feelings or for comfort. A simple weight loss program that does not address the underlying issues of food addiction will not be successful in the long run.

For successful weight management at home, lifestyle changes will have to be made, and maintained. In our care you will get started on an exercise routine and a satisfying healthy diet. We will help you to find appropriate responses to the stressors in your life and unveil your motivations for overeating. Your part is only to recognize your food addiction and have a sincere desire to change.

Food sensitivity is a very important area of analysis for overall health and ease of living. Many of us unknowingly have reactions to foods that we commonly eat. These reactions are described variously as “allergy” or “sensitivity” depending on what area of the immune system is stimulated by the offending food.

There are various ways to test food sensitivities and allergies. An easy way is to perform blood tests or a saliva tests.

Another way is to challenge foods during the course of the raw food detoxification program. This process of challenging food sensitivities involves avoidance of the most common allergenic foods and periodically eating them in large amounts and analyzing the reaction. This is a long process because only one food can be tested at a time. The most allergenic foods such as wheat, dairy and soy are excluded from our diet at all times.

If we decide on this procedure we will first test foods that you suspect to be problematic and then send you home empowered to complete the process.

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