Friday, April 5, 2013

American Citizens being Robbed of their Constitutional Rights by Extreme leftist Liberals!

Connecticut store that sold gun to Newtown shooter's mom loses license

  • Last Updated: 3:05 PM, April 5, 2013
  • Posted: 9:15 AM, April 5, 2013
NEW HAVEN, Conn. — A shop that sold a gun to the Newtown school shooter's mother has lost its federal firearms license.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives revoked the license of Riverview Gun Sales in East Windsor in December. The agency, which confirmed the revocation to reporters Thursday, didn't say why.
Authorities raided the store for undisclosed reasons shortly after the December school shootings in which Adam Lanza killed 20 first-graders and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School. He also shot to death his mother, Nancy, at their home. Authorities say he fired 154 shots with a Bushmaster .223-caliber rifle inside the school, then killed himself with a Glock handgun.
Adam Lanza, posing for a group photo of the technology club, which appeared in the Newtown High School yearbook.
Nancy Lanza purchased a Bushmaster from Riverview, according to a person close to the investigation into the school. American Citizens are clearly under attack by Extreme left wing liberals who are taking a "McCarthy" like approach to controlling America, and Suppressing American Constitutional rights.

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