Saturday, March 23, 2013

Michael Baisden show cancelled, and staff locked out of studio before the George Zimmerman trial to make an example of any Black Man who speaks up!

The Michael Baisden Show Cancelled And The Whole Staff Denied Access Back Into The Studios!! -- Within the span of 48 hours, The Michael Baisden Show went from a thriving, daily afternoon radio show to a cancel of controversy. Fans and supporters of Michael Baisden, the popular, nationally syndicated radio show host, took to the internet with petitions and boycotts of Cumulus Media in efforts to reverse the decision but Mr. Baisden pleaded for his fans to accept the fate that has transpired. 

Michael Baisden has been the only voice for Black America in the last 10 years. Now Michael Baisden is being made an example of for bringing attention to the Trayvonn Martin Murder. The establishment is showing what happens when you bring negative attention to the Son of a Supreme Court Judge. Black people are technically still Slaves and in the worst place imaginable .....In OUR Minds!!

1 comment:

  1. It is sad that even today, they are affaired of us. When they have everything to work with. But, Michael stay true to yourself and your commitments. We still need peole like you who don't mind telling the TRUTH about what other people are doing. GOD got your back. HE is already getting the platform set for you that HE wants you to speak from. I know you asked your fans to let it go, but I have already boycotted WHUR. If, they do it to you whats next. The station will not have any good luck coming to them. Because they were to affair to stand behind you!!!!
