Banning guns would reduce the number of suicides annually in the U.S. So suggests The New York Times in a recent editorial.
"Firearms are a far more lethal means of suicide than other options. They are fatally effective in 85 percent of cases, while pill overdoses succeed only 2 percent of the time, according to the Harvard Injury Control Research Center," The Times writes. "Nearly two-thirds of the 30,000 gun deaths each year are not the work of deranged mass shooters but the suicides of troubled individuals with easy access to firearms, often in quiet family homes."
The Times editorial is based on an article in the paper that provides human interest stories and stats to bolster the argument that taking guns out of the equation, suicides will drop. But The American Thinker's J. Robert Smith argues that theory is nonsense.
"Typical of the liberal media is the focus on symptoms rather than causes. The Times would be better off expending ink plumbing the depths of modern American society and culture. What are the factors driving more people to kill themselves? Is there something sick in the culture? Have too many Americans become unmoored from basic values and virtues - from family and faith, for instance?"
Via The New York Times and The American Thinker.
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