Thursday, February 7, 2013

Christopher Dorner L.A.P.D. Former Police Officer Manhunt

ASa Police Officer tax id#904062 Shield#31187. I once witnessed a Man beaten beyond recognition in the 6-7 pct. When the Medical examiner came "WE" said we needed a favor as the crowd gathered outside the precinct screaming for justice. The Cops were instructed to inject him with cocaine and he would declare his death as caused by "Cocaine Psychosis". No news cameras were allowed to film or take pics of his body. SO last night when the "SLAVE CHASE" was ending and the news cameras were ordered off. I knew they were going to "ROAST" him in the house because it was isolated and no planes were allowed to film from above.I felt like a slave on a plantation watching a "Lynching" I couldn't help but watch because anyone of us could and will be next.

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