Wednesday, January 9, 2013

CHINA CENSORSHIP ROW. Google+ Facebook Yahoo

I'm happy that the Chinese Newspaper will now have certain freedoms. Those people are very lucky.

Here in America we have very little freedom. America has the most restricted media in the world. The American people are lied to and fed dreams on a daily basis. Everything we are told, see, and hear on television or read in the newspapers is a lie. Every book I write has to be re-written a dozen times so that it will be published as to not offend the Police Department which I worked for for 10 years as I talk about the abuse of thousands of innocent Black people in New York City. Black people in New York City desperately need the help of the Chinese people if for no other reason than to teach us about fighting for our freedom. China Censorship Row, hopefully is the beginning of true journalistic freedom. For the Chinese and for Americans.

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