Sunday, January 13, 2013

Aaron Swartz R.I.P. co-founder of RSS WIKILEAKS

Prosecutorial Overreach is an understatement. Aaron Swartz was hounded to no end as if he were a violent felon, or Aaron Swartz himself had made terroristic threats. The American Government's decision of who is or isn't a threat to National Security always seems to be a matter of personal choice within the halls of Justice in Washington. Where people like Eric Holder find people like Aaron Swartz a danger to society at large rather than foreign diplomats with Diplomatic Immunity who kill New Yorkers on a regular basis and get away with it. "Money" or the loss there of from major institutions like "M.I.T." who have strong Political ties seem to be the reason why a first time, non-violent "Alleged" perpetrator like Aaron Swartz would be facing 35 years in prison and a 1 million dollar fine. What a waste of brilliance in someone like Aaron Swartz, what a shame, and Shame on America.

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