Sunday, December 18, 2011

Bedford-Stuyvesant BED-STUY Brooklyn New York

Beford Stuyvesant has changed since 1982. When I was a child I lived on Cambridge place between gates and Green. That is where my book took place. During my childhood in 1982 one of the 5 towns that made up Bedford-Stuyvesant named Clinton Hill became it's own "Neighborhood". Then for 3 decades there were only 4 towns that made up the Bed-Stuy neighborhood "Weeksville", "Stuyvesant", "Bedford", and "Stuyvesant Heights". That has also since changed, as of 2007 with gentrification in full swing the border of Bed-Stuy and Clinton Hill has been moved to appease white land owners. It is now Franklin avenue and at one point Bedford avenue. "Ocean Hill" Brownsville has since been incorporated into Bedford-Stuyvesant to help with the property value in that town. I had to make this blog because I'm tired of "TOURISTS" who don't know ANYTHING about my neighborhood attempting to re-write history as they see fit.

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